Germany wins both IFA U18 World Champion titles

The day started with the game for the women’s bronze medal between Austria and Switzerland. In the preliminary round Austria won the first game against Switzerland and so hoped to do it again. But Switzerland would not go without a fight. The rallies were long and the lead in the first set changed a few times. […]
Finals are set at the Fistball IFA U18 World Championships

During the preparation of the center court for the 3rd day a accident happend: The windshield of the lawn mower broke and the glas shard had to be picked up by hand or hoovered. But gladly in the morning everything was ready on the center court for the teams to go. The first two games […]
End of preliminary round of the Fistball IFA U18 World Championships

The 2nd day startet with a lot more sunshine and a few more fans than the day before. Today the last games of the preliminary round were on the schedule to find out what teams go directly into the semifinals and who will fight tomorrow for the last spot in the semifinal. Again all the […]