Statement by The Alliance of Independent recognised Members of Sport (AIMS) 

The 11th Olympic Summit that met on 9 December 2022, consisting of the leaders of all stakeholder groups of the Olympic Movement, had requested the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to explore a pathway for athletes with a Russian or Belarusian passport to return to international competitions as Individual Neutral Athletes. Following a four-month consultation period, the IOC […]

IOC Young Leaders Programme Welcomes 25 New Recruits

Congratulations to the IOC Young leaders 2023 -2026 The AIMS family would like to congratulate the 25 new IOC young leaders who have been selected to join the International Olympic Committee (IOC) four-year programme. Once again, these incredible young leaders are well balances in terms of gender and diversity from 5 continent and 25 countries. […]

ITA Monthly Webinar 2023 – February 

ITA’s February monthly webinar is dedicated to “Consequences of doping part 1: impact on emotions”.  A driver of intentional doping is for an athlete to improve their performance to achieve greater success in sport, but this only considers success in relation to a result, not the emotions that go along with it. In part 1 […]

Statement by The Alliance of Independent Recognised Members of Sport (AIMS)

The executive board of the International Olympic Committee has considered the unanimous conclusion of the Olympic summit which compromises the leaders of all the stakeholder groups of the Olympic movement and the International Paralympic Committee. Following this summit consultation calls were held with all stakeholders. The AIMS council took the position to fully support the […]

AIMS mourns the loss of IOC Honorary Member Phillip Walter Coles, AM

AIMS mourns the loss of Phillip Walter Coles, at the age of 91.  Mr Coles represented Australia in canoe sprint at three editions of the Olympic Games – Rome 1960, Tokyo 1964, where he captained the team, and Mexico City 1968. He devoted his entire life to the Olympic Movement in Australia and beyond always […]

New Year’s Message 2023 by IOC President Thomas Bach

Dear Olympic Friends, What an Olympic year lies behind us. As we welcome a new year, we can look back with pride and satisfaction on 2022. It was an Olympic year that was as successful as it was turbulent. It was greatly successful because, with the truly exceptional Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, we have […]

UTS World Youth Conference 2022

Over 200 youth were involved in the UTS World Youth Festival which included an educational conference, cultural and sports activities, promoting inclusion.   The opening conference started with an inspirational message from the International Olympic Committee President, Thomas Bach. International Paralympic Committee President Andrew Parsons, Special Olympics International President, Timothy Shiver. It was then that […]

The World is Getting Ready for UTS World Youth Festival 2022

Over 140 international organisations and federations have joined forces for and with the youth of the world for the UTS 2022 World Youth Festival. The event which is under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, Special Olympics International and is fully supported by the Sport Authority of Thailand and National Sports […]

The AIMS Family Celebrates the Opening of the Saudi Games 2022

The Saudi Games 2022 opened in spectacular style in Riyadh. The King Fahad National stadium was the venue for the opening ceremony which saw over 6000 athletes from all regions of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia marching into the stadium. 2022 sports facilities in Riyadh will host the 45 sports and the 5 sports dedicated […]

Olympic legacy entities reiterate their commitment to building a better world through sport for the next generation

Olympic legacy entities gathered at the Seoul Olympic Legacy Forum to collaborate and share best practices aimed at furthering key Olympic Games legacy programmes.  The Forum, which was hosted by the Korea Sport Promotion Organisation (KSPO), the Olympic legacy entity created following the Olympic Games Seoul 1988 and organised with the support of the International Olympic Committee […]