Minigolf World Championships 2015 started in Lahti, Finland

Minigolf World Championships 2015 started on August 19th at Lahti Minigolfkeskus (Lahti Minigolfcenter), Finland.

129 players from 21 countries and all Continents were registered for the event.

Together with coaches, team staff and officials almost 200 people gathered in Lahti to take part in the world biggest minigolf event of the year. The competition is held on eternite miniature golf and felt courses.

Participating countries: Austria, Czech Republic, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland, Slovakia, Sweden, Taiwan, USA, Croatia.

Two of them – Kenya and New Zealand – participate in the Minigolf World Championships for the first time in the history.

The official schedule of the competition is following:

On August 14th to 18th – official training days.

August 19th to 21st – strokeplay World Championships (team competition ends on 20th of August).

August 22nd – matchplay championships among the 32 best male and 16 best women after strokeplay.

Official opening ceremony was held on evening, 17th of August, closing and awarding ceremony – on 22nd of August night.

Lahti Minigolfcenter organizes 3 international minigolf competitions in 2014-2016:

  • 6.-9.8.2014 Youth (under 20) World Championships
  • 19.-22.8.2015 World Championships, general class
  • 10.-13.8.2016 Senior European Championships (45+)

Lahti is a city of around 100.000 people, still growing because of good business environment. It is best known as a sports town, where many international and national championships have been held. It is located about 100 km north-east of the capital city of Helsinki. The name Lahti means “Bay” in English, which comes from town’s location in a bay of lake Vesijärvi.

Additional information:

Lahti Minigolfcenter / Rolf Bergström +358 50 2790

Finnish Minigolf Federation / Harry Grönlund +359 40 502 1573

Head coach and player of Finnish team / Kosti Salonen +358 400 654 934

A representative of World Championships Organization / Iiro Tuomola +358 515 3640

Address: Lahden Minigolfkeskus Laune, Kaarikatu 30 Lahti

Facebook: Minigolf World Championships Lahti:

Lahti Minigolfcenter website:

Official page of World Championships:

Finnish Minigolf Federation:

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