Sport is one of the most powerful platforms for promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls and the IOC has been leading the way in gender equality.

The IOC has followed through on this commitment to use sport to advance the well-being and the rights of women and girls around the world.

The agenda 2020 has had such a positive impact, not just on the field of play but for female coaches, female officials and within the decision-making organs.

From the 24th to the 26th of March an online virtual conference for sport towards women’s empowerment and employment programme (S.W.E.E.P.) will take place.

The event is under the patronage of GAISF, AIMS and United Through Sports and will see renowned female sport leaders, coaches and so many others representing over 40 organisations, IOC Executive board member Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski.

Philippine Olympic Council Executive member Pearl Managuelod, Paralympians and Olympic athletes and so many more.

The opening speaker will be GAISF vice-president and AIMS president Stephan Fox.

A special thank you must go to Ms. Geraldine Go-Bernardo, Founder Sport Management Council Philippines
For all members of the GAISF, AIMS and United Through Sports family, certainly registration is free, please pass on and join this fantastic conference, the programme is attached.


Check their website ( for more information. The organizers have provided members GAISF/AIMS/UTS with a special open access code: GO4SWEEP in the registration site: .

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