An important meeting took place between the National Olympic Committee of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represented by His Highness Prince Fahd bin Jalawi bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Secretary General and Vice President to the NOC of KSA, and UTS President Stephan Fox with the UTS team led by CEO, Julia Govinden.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosted the successful 2021 edition of the UTS World Virtual Youth Festival under the patronage of the IOC, IPC, SOI. Supported by 126 organisations including 68 International sport federations across 126 countries. UTS thanked His Highness for all the record-breaking efforts which were made, with over 50,000 youth interactions, 64 international speakers and 217 medals awarded.
The Launch Ceremony spectacle was held in the birthplace of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Diriyah and will stay in the memory of all those in attendance from across the globe. The opening speakers included the IOC President, Thomas Bach, the IPC President, Andrew Parsons, the CEO of SOI Mary Davis, the President of SportAccord Ivo Ferriani and HRH Prince Adbulaziz bin Turki Al Faisal Al Saud, President of the National Olympic Committee and Sport Minister of the kingdom.
HRH Prince Abdulaziz stated: ” The kingdom was proud to be awarded the 2021 edition promoting the kingdom’s vision 2030, promoting sport for all, inclusion, equality, non-discrimination and a better tomorrow.” He further stated the cultural exchange between the youth of all abilities from around the world and the youth of the kingdom was a highlight.
The educational program invited speakers including HRH Prince Faisal, the 8th Un Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, Nobel Peace Prize winner and the Olympic laureate, Professor Yunus and so many others and certainly athletes and champions of all abilities.
The festival achievements surpassed expectation.
Thailand will host the 2022 and third edition of the festival as part of APEC “The Voices of Tomorrow” HRH stated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will fully support the 2022 edition.

A collaborative meeting and lunch took place between His Highness Prince Fahad Bin Jalawi ALSAUD., His Excellency the Tourism and Sports Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, the Governor of the Sports Authority of Thailand Dr. Gongsak Yodmani, the NSDF manager Dr. Supranee Guptasa and UTS President Stephan Fox
Julia Govinden, UTS CEO also thanked the Olympic and Paralympic Committee of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as the entire LOC for their dedication and excellent partnership alongside the UTS team. With thousands of youth given opportunity and a chance to connect through sport, the future is bright for this uniting festival to grow and welcome many more youth for the next edition.