We invite parents, guardians, all athletes, and others who work with young athletes, to tune in as our expert panellists discuss this important topic.

Joining us are Dr Lubna Sibtain, whose daughter was the first female swimmer and youngest female Olympian from Pakistan, and Jodi Brown, a former international netball player, parent, and member of Drug Free Sport New Zealand’s Education Team. They will share their experiences and provide practical tips on how parents and guardians can learn about, and take an active role in clean sport.

Topic: Parents and Guardians: A Guide to Clean Sport    

Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aGL42DYbRx6x8WEeVgAj0g

Event date: Tuesday 31 May 14:00–15:00 CET


Dr Lubna Sibtain, IOC Certified Sport Physician and parent of young Olympian

Jodi Brown, Drug Free Sport New Zealand and International Netball Player

Moderator: Mairi Irvine, ITA Education Team