Our June monthly webinar is dedicated to “Athlete experiences of clean sport”. 

Ever wondered what other athlete’s experiences of anti-doping have been? Or what they found most rewarding or challenging in ensuring they were fulfilling their anti-doping responsibilities? Want some tips from former athletes about what they wish they knew then that they know now? Or what three things they would share with athletes and Athlete Support Personnel (ASP) from over 30 years of combined experience? 

You have an opportunity to find out! Join us on 28th June to be part of a conversation on clean sport with three Olympians, Ana Jelušić, Florence Schelling and Nikki Hamblin, who have significant experience of anti-doping as Athletes and Clean Sport Educators. 

Have your own question? Email us education@ita.sport to let us know and we will address it in the webinar.

*We will answer as many questions as possible, but we cannot guarantee we will get to every question in the hour session. Please submit your questions by 26th June*.

We will leave time at the end of the session to answer your questions live.

As always, we are pleased to deliver these webinars in English with simultaneous translation to four additional languages – Arabic (العربية), Spanish (español), French (français) and Russian (русский).

Thank you for your support of our clean sport education efforts!

Topic: Athlete experiences of clean sport

Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_p4r-mrHbQlOEd7layU8fqw#/registration

Event date: Wednesday 28 June, 14:00 – 15:00 CEST


Ana Jelušić OLY, ITA Education Ambassador

Florence Schelling OLY, ITA Education Ambassador

Moderator: Nikki Hamblin OLY, ITA Education Team