The Annual Aikido Seminar in Netherlands, that is conducted by female instructors, run its course full well. Women and also men gathered to practice together on tatami.

The instructors that lead the course were Jeanette Tanis, Trudeke Sterringa, Satomi Ishikawa and Caroline Bied-Charreton, all four of them from Netherland, and also Laura Copello from Argentina. With over 45 years of Aikido experience, Laura brought a lot of knowledge to the seminar, showed many steady positions and effective movements.

Despite the different backgrounds, all the teachers looked for common frame. The participants worked on Aikido basics such as taking low stands, making correct tai sabaki, opening the chest and connecting to others with the hara.

The seminar took place on the 28th of October, in Amsterdam. It was a seminar of meeting and sharing with a good atmosphere.

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