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Global Sports Leaders Urged to Collaborate on Post-Tokyo 2020 Momentum at Virtual IF Forum

The international sports movement can emerge from the pandemic in stronger shape if International Federations (IFs) continue to work together to build on the momentum of Tokyo 2020, delegates heard at today’s Virtual IF Forum.

More than 400 sports leaders from over 125 IFs gathered for the virtual, invitation-only event, which was organised by SportAccord under the theme of ‘Tokyo 2020 – Learnings and Take-Aways for the Future’.

With the IF Forum’s programme driven by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF), the packed agenda featured key contributions from a range of expert speakers.

Delegates heard from IOC Sports Director Kit McConnell, who highlighted key learnings from Tokyo 2020, while Dr. Pau Mota, the IOC’s Senior Manager, Medical and Scientific Department, discussed a number of medical issues that emerged in relation to this year’s Olympic Games.

World Archery Secretary General Tom Dielen and International Golf Federation Executive Director Antony Scanlon also offered engaging insights into the experiences of Tokyo 2020 from the perspectives of IFs.

“I truly believe that if we build on this togetherness and sense of community, sport will accelerate its development to emerge even stronger in the years ahead,” said Dr. Raffaele Chiulli, the President of SportAccord and the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF), who provided the IF Forum’s welcome and closing addresses.

“Let us continue to make progress as a sports movement, focusing on every level of participation for the sake of a healthy future. Of course, there will always be changes, as this is how sport continues to innovate and improve. Our challenge is to work together to ensure that these innovations bring the best out of sport and encourage participation at all levels.”

Dr. Raffaele Chiulli also expressed his hope that today’s essential take-aways will help to set the broader agenda for further discussions with a wider pool of influential decision-makers at the SportAccord World Sport & Business Summit 2022 in Ekaterinburg, Russia.

IF Forum 2021 Host City partners are: City of Lausanne and Canton de Vaud and the Official Partners are: City of London, Marsh, OnePlan, Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Deportivo and Sport Event Denmark.

SportAccord 2022, which will take place from 15-20 May 2022, will reunite the global sports movement, allowing all of the industry’s leading figures and stakeholders to gather in person for the first time since the start of the pandemic.

Registration is open for SportAccord 2022, and organisations that would like to find out about becoming an official partner or exhibitor can get in touch with SportAccord to discuss these opportunities by emailing Interested parties can also check out an interactive exhibition floorplan and a 3-D flyover of the SportAccord 2022 exhibition space.

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