25th of June, at the IFMA Office.
“I wear orange because I believe in respecting and protecting our daughters, our mothers and sisters. The women that I am blessed to have in my life are the inspiration for my drive to join the movement to end violence against women” – Stephan Fox”
Using the growing global popularity and “tough guy” image of muaythai to their advantage, the three partnering organizations – UN Women, World Muaythai Council (WMC) and the International Federation of Muaythai Amateur (IFMA) – works through national muaythai federations around the world to help raise awareness and end acceptability of violence against women. Apart from equipping young people with better understanding how they can help knock out harmful social norms that can lead to violence against women, the partnership also engages male and female muaythai celebrities as champions and work to enhance the internal policies of WMC and IFMA to prevent and respond to such violence.
This new and unique partnership, which is in support of the United Nations Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women Campaign, brings together UN Women’s mandate and expertise on gender equality and ending violence against women with WMC and IFMA’s active involvement with youth around the world to develop character and life skills through muaythai training. Muaythai has been awarded the World Spirit of Sport Award for their exceptional contribution to sport and society.
For more information on the campaign visit our website and endviolence.un.org