An important session took place within the 77 Session of the United National General Assembly on combating child trafficking in sports at the UN headquarter in New York.
The event was hosted with the UN office on drugs and crime (UN ODC) and Mission 89. There were many important speakers such as the permanent missions of Qatar, Monaco, Gabon, the representative of the UN office on drugs and crime (UN ODC), the executive director of Mission 89, Lerina Bright and the president of UTS and AIMS Stephan Fox.

Mr. Fox went into details into sport and human trafficking outlining how the issues of doping, match fixing, etc are clearly understood and that human trafficking is still very much misunderstood. He continued on how the international sporting community within their legal and moral obligation are working together to safeguard the welfare of its stakeholders especially minors. He continued on the importance of a collective effort to tackle any exploitation and human trafficking in sport. This was not the first time Mr. Fox has had the honour to speak at the prestigious UN. He especially thanked Mission 89 and stated that we must continue to support and collaborate with Mission 89 towards our common goals.