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Thumbs up for World Urban Games

GAISF President Raffaele Chiulli stated in the press conference “the world urban games will be a cocktail of sport, music, street art, dance and family”, he was spot on.
GAISF and Budapest have created the perfect formula in a short span of time and delivered an event not only for new generations but all generations. It was GAISF’s idea to give Budapest the option to host once again in 2021 in order to reap the rewards of 2019 and for GAISF to walk before running. The three day event over beautiful sunny Budapest was not only a sport event, it was a festival of all ages, where the children had the chance to play, explore and experience the different sports. A fine example was the female 3X3 Russian team, who won the gold medal and were right next to the children playing for fun and dreaming to play on the big court one day.
AIMS President and GAISF Vice President at World Urban Games
The World Urban Games was about getting involved, having fun and where all walks of life came together. Children experienced roller-skating and brought their own bikes to witness the world’s best BMX riders flying towards the sun.
congratulations must go to the city of Budapest for being the first and realising the potential of the games, to GAISF for understanding the importance of the new generation and that winning medals is the dream of the athletes. However, in this event the fun and the chance to be involved was for many as important as winning. Congratulations also, must be extended to all the athletes, who have contributed with their fire towards the immense success of the event. If you had been present at the athletes’ farewell party you would have experienced the true spirit of all for one and one for all.
GAISF believes in sport for all, GAISF believes sport must be accessible without discrimination and GAISF believes in grassroots development.
 We believe that the youth are our future  and looking at this amazing weekend the future looks bright