Savate Workout By Martin O’Malley, President of the Ireland Savate Federation

Savate is a martial art and a combat sports based on ancient traditions and values. The values are ethics, aesthetics, education and effectiveness. It also follows the Olympic values of participation, fair play, respect for rules and others, and personal development. It is an aesthetics sport that values precision and artistry. Savate is a pound […]

AIMS Family Inspires

AIMS Family Inspires We are all affected by the pandemic, many have lost loved ones, some in critical or recovering conditions while others are in quarantine and are under daily life altering restrictions. Everyone is affected, including our World of Sport. The Olympic and the AIMS family as an IOC recognised umbrella organisation stands in […]

IFMA & UTS PRESENTS The #MuaythaiConnects 2020 Social & Active Challenge

  Sport Community, Where do we stand currently? We are all affected by this pandemic. We know that the Corona virus does not acknowledge borders, religion or nationalities. Many people across the world have lost loved ones, many have contracted the virus, whilst others are living in quarantine or under daily life altering restrictions. However, this virus is already […]

We must stand in solidarity and unity against the pandemic

On behalf of the AIMS Family we would like to share our concern and best wishes to everyone affected by the global Covid 19. The Corona Virus does not know boarders, religions or nationalities. The world is suffering and we are all affected by this pandemic. We must stand in solidarity and unity against the […]

Dragon Sports New E-Magazine

Enjoy this Special Edition of IDBF, including advice and information on Covid19 DSN Mar 2020 Vendre voiture accidentée

World Health Day 2020

World Health Day 2020 The World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on April 7th. Under the sponsorship of the World Health Organisation. The first World Health Assembly held in 1948 was to raise global awareness on specific themes related to health. Today the global health workers are at the […]