United Through Sports (UTS), established in 2017, is an international organization created under the Alliance of Independent Recognised Members of Sport (AIMS). UTS was formed to address the need for more inclusive and equitable sporting events, not only for non-Olympic sports but also for Olympic, Paralympic, and Special Olympics athletes. UTS’s mission is to use sport as a powerful vehicle to promote values of inclusion, equality, and non-discrimination.
Over the past few years, UTS has witnessed rapid expansion, inspiring a global movement that places youth, in all their diversity, at the heart of its initiatives. UTS emphasizes that young people should be at the center of sporting and educational events, encouraging their growth and development through sport. The organization unites the global sports community, building bridges across sports disciplines, cultures, and geographic regions.
UTS delivers multi-sport events, including sports festivals, tournaments, and educational activities, all aimed at promoting physical well-being and mental health. These events are crafted to nurture the physical, mental, and social growth of youth, offering them the opportunity to thrive in various sporting environments.
By forming strong partnerships with international sports organizations, educational institutions, and social bodies, UTS supports a vision where every youth, regardless of background, ability, or status, can access opportunities to flourish. UTS is not only a sporting platform but a broader movement advocating for equality and inclusion, ensuring that sport becomes a powerful tool for positive social change.
For further details, please visit UTS’s official website: UTS Official Website
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