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Join  Mission 89 Supported By AIMS and UTS  In The “#NOTINOURGAME” Ball Juggle Challenge

Dear Colleagues, and Friends,

I trust this message finds you in good spirits in these challenging times.

We would like to continue both with UTS and AIMS on our growing collaboration with mission 89 and join forces for the upcoming campaign. We very much hope that we all can stand together. Let us not be silent when we are needed.

The International Community and millions of people around the world will commemorate the United Nations World Day Against Human Trafficking on July 30th. On this day, Mission 89 wishes to raise awareness of the plight of the millions of people worldwide who are victims of modern slavery and human trafficking, as well as to celebrate and honour sport and anti-trafficking stakeholders who contribute to the global fight against modern slavery and human trafficking, in fulfilment of SDG Target 8.7.

Many of us presume that slavery is chapter of the past but sadly it is not. Human trafficking does occur in every corner of the world and every stolen life is a stolen dream.

Taking advantage of the momentum generated by the upcoming FIFA World Cup in Qatar in 2022, Mission 89 will launch a “Ball Juggle Challenge” with the goal of engaging at least 10 million young people and athletes of all sports and abilities from around the world. Mission 89 is collaborating with various stakeholders and partners who share the same goal of successfully addressing and combating this human rights violation.

To make this global campaign a success we kindly request that you invite the federations to record a video in their sporting capacity towards the Ball Juggle Challenge on the UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons – July 30th.

Everyone is invited to post it on their personal and sport affiliated social media channels. In the videos Mission 89 requests young children, youth, athletes of all sports and abilities to join the challenge.

Why join the “#NOTINOURGAME” Ball Juggle Challenge?

Human trafficking is the world’s fastest growing criminal enterprise and is the world’s second most profitable enterprise.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of children are smuggled across borders and sold as commodities, including talented young athletes trafficked by sham agents promising fame and an escape route from a cycle of poverty.

What do you need you to do?

Take a video of yourself juggling or performing a ball trick showing your athletic skill, creativity / flexibility (your talent) and invite your team / colleagues / sector or target audience to join the challenge. See demo video.




Suggested script:

“My name is X. I am an athlete for X. The 30th of July is the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons and I say Not in our Game to Modern Slavery, Not in our Game to Human Trafficking”

All campaign partners will receive a guideline on how to implement the Ball Juggle Challenge, which will include a demo video, social media, and digital assets to enable our strategic partners to engage and involve their key audience and stakeholder groups in the campaign.

All campaign partners will receive a guideline ‘The Play Book’ on how to implement the Ball Juggle Challenge, which will include a demo video, social media, and digital assets to enable our strategic partners to engage and involve their key audience and stakeholder groups in the campaign.

Other ways to support the campaign

Share the demo video among youth communities and relevant partners, and encourage participation

Help disseminate the Campaign Guidelines to other sport and development organisations and encourage them to join the campaign!

When (key dates)

The Ball Juggle Challenge will be launched in the week of the World Day Against Trafficking and will run officially for one week, from 25th – 31st July.

Where (activation platforms)

The official platform of the #NOTINOURGAME Ball Juggle Challenge is Instagram and TikTok

Content from the videos will be shared and reposted on Mission 89, partner Instagram and chosen social media pages.





#Mission 89


We all have a responsibility. Let us all stand together towards a society free of human trafficking and together we can defeat it.

Looking forward to seeing the sports get active!!!

Stephan Fox

UTS/AIMS President