The International Sepaktakraw Federation is holding the 2022 World Championship King’s Cup in the Kingdom of Thailand.
Over 500 athletes from around the world are taking part in this important event and the Sepaktakraw world summit was held on Saturday 23rs of July.
The Secretary General of the International Sepaktakraw Federation and Asia Sepaktakraw President, Mr. Dato Halim opened the summit welcoming the representatives of ISTAF. Deputy President of the International Sepaktakraw Federation, Mr. Boonchai Lorhpipat and a special guest the Vice President of GAISF and President of AIMS Mr. Stephan Fox.
Mr. Dato Halim emphasised the solidarity of the athletes during the pandemic and that this event after the Sea Games is the official restart. He praised all the national federations for their flexibility and innovation during these challenging times.
The GAISF Vice President Stephan Fox echoed the words of Mr. Dato Halim and congratulated ISTAF on the 2022 King’s Cup and bringing back the athletes of the world on the centre court. President Fox continued that all of us must stand together to promote sporting and cultural exchange and tolerance. We must continue to show that we can be rivals on the field of play but at the same time showing respect and living together in peace.
Today ISTAF is launching the “We Are Sepaktakraw” campaign promoting and enhancing these important values. President Fox concluded that he is Sepaktakraw. The launch took place and pictures were taken between all the leadership and athletes.
The summit continued with the antidoping workshop led by Dr. Inwood from the Doping Control Agency of Thailand.
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