Kosice will be the heart city of the 24-hour Aikido Marathon this year. 14 instructors from 7 countries will conduct the trainings of this event, during the 6 th -7 th of October 2018.


At least a hundred people are expected to be on the tatami on the Saturday of October 6 and train continuously for 24 hours. The marathon starts at 11 a.m. and it is planned to have a break every 45 minutes so that the aikidoka would be able to go through the entire series of trainings. The panel of instructors emphasizes teachers from Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Sweden, Belgium, Germany and Ukraine.

They are ready to train when they don’t teach so that they keep the motion of the marathon: Dusan Dreisig, Iveta Sudorova, Panni Becsagh, Norbert Hochstrsser, Helena Reguli, Zdenko Reguli, Martin Svihla, Vanda Svihlova, Andreas Falk, Sylvia Mucke, Alain Dujardin, Olga Stegura, Mikhail Rogach, Zuzana Gajdosova. Some may wonder how this could be possible, but the answer has multiple aspects such as enthusiasm of meeting friends, joy of training with passionate people or even establishing new limits of mind and physical resistance.

The marathon is open to all aikidoka, regardless of rank or experience. The trainings will be at Urbankova 2, in Kosice, Slovakia, and registration or request for other details are to be made at aikidoakademia@pobox.sk.