Extraordinary General Assembly approves the final liquidation of GAISF

Lausanne, Switzerland – Members of the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) have approved the final steps in the liquidation of the organisation at an Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) held today. At the EGA today, the GAISF members approved the final balance sheet drawn up by liquidators Ernst & Young. They also approved the distribution […]
ITA September Webinar: Proactive Reporting of Doping in Sport: An athlete-centric approach”

The September monthly webinar is dedicated to “Proactive Reporting of Doping in Sport: An athlete-centric approach”. Did you know, based on WADA statistics, 98.75% of ADRVs involved athletes? This means that only 1.25% of ADRVs were tied to Athlete Support Personnel (ASPs), yet experience indicates that athletes rarely dope alone. Did you know that some […]