Sport is one of the most powerful platforms for promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls. We must and will continue to emphasise the unique power of sport in defying gender stereotypes promoting equal opportunities and empowering girls and women across the planet.

Sport for Women’s Empowerment and Employment Programmes (S.W.E.E.P.) was founded as an organisation in 2014. S.W.E.E.P. carries out an important mission to work, involve all members of the sporting pyramid to be part of the change.

The United Nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development recognises sport as an important enabler of sustainable development especially towards the empowerment of women and the young generation in general.

Inclusion, diversity, and gender equality plays a centre part in the work of the Olympic Movement. The IOC Agenda 2020 has been instrumental, and Tokyo 2020 will be the first gender equal Olympic Games. All 206 National Olympic Committees for the first time ever, have a one to one ratio of female to male athletes in their respective Olympic teams.

S.W.E.E.P. just conducted the Philippines first online international sports conference which was under the patronage of GAISF, AIMS and United Through Sports. Sport leaders, NGOs and entrepreneurs came together for the conclusion to the international women’s month. The 3-day conference featured 6 programme pathways – women who win, sport for community, sports and fairness in the digital space, sport coach boot camp, strategy and policy application for women in sport and sport careers and entrepreneurship.

Over 40 organisations contributed with keynote speakers such as IOC Executive Board Member, Mikee Cojuangco Jaworski, GAISF Vice President and AIMS President, Stephan Fox, Executive Board Member of the Philippines National Olympic Committee, Pearl Managuelod, CEO of United Through Sports, Julia Govinden, and many more.

A special thank you must go to miss Geraldine Go Bernardo, founder of the Sports Management Council Philippines.